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Brother Mamalis

Apostolos David Mamalis was born in Athens, Greece in the year of 1930. His home was at the foot of the Acropolis, from which he daily walked across Mars’ Hill to attend school. Brother Mamalis continued his college education in Switzerland. During this time, the brothers of the church he attended prophesied over him that the Lord had a definite work for him to do.

Brother David came to the United States in 1955. He graduated from Southern California Bible College with a degree in Theology, and was also ordained as an independent minister. This is where he met his wife, Pauline. After their marriage in 1959, he attended San Francisco State University to further his education.

In 1961, Brother David was traveling to Visalia, California to attend Brother Branham’s meetings. As he searched for the hotel where he was registered to stay, he became lost and drove several miles out of the way. He decided to pull into a service station to get directions. When he pulled in, Brother Branham was sitting there, in his car waiting, and asked Brother David, "Are you looking for me?” Brother Branham led Brother David back to his hotel, and they fellowshipped around the Word. Later that evening during the service, "Jehovah-Jireh,” preached on February 26th, Brother Branham spoke to Brother David directly when referring to Abraham separating himself. Brother David revered and appreciated the times he got to spend with the prophet, especially the opportunity to advise him in the use of Greek words and their meanings.

In 1965, he attended the "Choosing Of A Bride” meeting, after which he felt compelled to leave Los Angeles, and move to Arizona. He attended Arizona State University studying Law and Library Science, and became well educated on copyright laws. He then went on to Denver University where he received his Master’s Degree in Library Science. It is evident that the hand of the Lord was upon him through the path of education he had chosen. This equipped him with all the necessary knowledge to classify, and print the message of the hour.

Brother Mamalis had accumulated a reel-to-reel library of many of the prophet’s messages and knew of no public distribution of these messages. He felt it not right to have all this abundant spiritual food to himself. It was his desire to share it. So, in 1973, he formed a company called Information And Media Consultants, and furnished many people with tape libraries. During this time, he printed an Index of Brother Branham’s sermons, making it publicly known that these sermons were "Public Domain.” In 1983, Brother Mamalis had a vision to make these sermons available in printed form. He chose to print in chronological order, because his desire was to have the benefit of being able to study all the messages in the order they were preached. This is when The Word Publications was formed. Beginning with the year of 1965, and working back, every message the prophet preached was transcribed, proofread, punctuated, and Scripture referenced.

Brother David pastored his church "Phoenix Christian Fellowship” for over thirty years. His ministry was never effected by doctrines and people’s opinions. He always maintained the importance of the blood of Jesus, the cross, repentance, and the Holy Spirit.

Brother Mamalis has now gone to be with the Lord and Sister Mamalis is still with us continuing to support the work.